How to Use the Headlights Correctly?

Categories: Knowledge Sharing

Use the lights correctly? It sounds simple, but in fact it is not simple at all. Today we will discuss this topic with you, hoping to help you use each type of lamp correctly and well.​​

1.The position light, as the name suggests, is used to display the position of the stationary car in the dark, so the position light cannot be used when driving in the dark.

2.Low-beam headlights, the low-beam headlights must be turned on in the following situations: driving in areas where there are no street lights in the dark and driving when the sky is dark in the evening or the dawn of dawn, the low-beam headlights must be turned on; if you catch up with In heavy fog, snow or heavy rain, the line of sight is blocked, so the low beams must be turned on even in the daytime; in some road sections, although there are lighting equipment, but the brightness is not enough, the low beams should also be turned on at this time.

3.High beam headlights, high beam can be used only when there is no other lighting equipment on the road, and there is no vehicle driving on the opposite side. Otherwise, it will seriously interfere with each other’s sight line and even cause traffic accidents. Be careful not to mistake high beams for low beams.

In the following situations, you must immediately change the high beam to the low beam:
Firstly, there is a car coming from the opposite side.
Secondly, the distance from the front vehicle in the same direction is relatively close.
Thirdly, when there is enough lighting on the road,
Fourth, when crossing railroad crossings and returning to heavy traffic streets.

Some drivers may suffered this case: the driver of the opposite car turned on the high beam unfriendly, what should we do under this situation? Don’t worry, here are two skill: firstly, don’t look at its headlights, and move your eyes to the right side of the car; secondly, slow down the speed, sound the horn appropriately, and stop if you can’t.​​

4.Fog lights, when encountering fog, rain and snow, when the vision is unclear, the front fog lights must be turned on, and the daytime is no exception. Many models have fog lights designed to work with position lights or low beams.​​

Let’s also focus on the rear fog lights: the rear fog lights can only be used when the visual distance is less than 50 meters. Some drivers often use the rear fog lights as position lights, completely ignoring the eyes of the following drivers. I hope all drivers can abide by the driving rules.