How to Solve the Problem of dim lights by Yourself

Categories: Knowledge Sharing

After entering autumn, the night is getting longer and the driver is using the lights more and more frequently. If the light is not on, I have to go to the repair station to repair it, but the light is there, but it is not very bright, and it is not worthwhile to spend a lot of time and energy to go to the repair station.
There are also hidden dangers of accidents when the lights are not bright at night. You can completely solve these small problems by yourself.

Fault phenomenon: After turning on the light, the light turns red and dim.
Cause of failure: The battery is not sufficiently charged, or the connection line is not in good contact.
(1) Poor grounding.
(2) Dirt is accumulated on the astigmatic glass or reflector.
(3) The glass surface of the bulb is black, the luminosity of the bulb is lower than the specified requirements, and the filament of the bulb is not located at the reflection focus, causing astigmatism.
(4) The wire is too thin, the resistance increases, the wire is overheated, and the conduction is affected.

(1) Check whether the battery is fully charged. If the battery is insufficient, it should be charged. (2) Check whether the connector of the connecting wire and the ground wire is loose. If it is loose, remove the rust, and polish it with sandpaper and fix it firmly.
(3) If the headlight wire is too thin, replace the standard wire.
(4) Check the light glass and reflector for dirt, and wipe it clean with a flannel or lens tissue.
(5) The filament is not in the focus of the reflector, and the bulb should be replaced.